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 Create effective saving and investment

The official gold platform

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Invest for the future, Invest in Autherium

Autherium is a 99.9% Fine Gold saving and investment platform. The digital platform was born out of Bullion Bars International, The only 99.9% Gold Bullion traders in Zimbabwe. BBI has been in existence since 2014, and wholly owned and domiciled in Zimbabwe

What The Platform Offers

What You can do on the autherium platform ?

Basic features :


You can spend your 99.9% Investment Gold in the form of autherium metatokens by sending them to a registered or an unregistered user.


You can receive 99.9% Investment Gold in the form of autherium metatokens by receiving them from a registered user  on the autherium platform.


You can buy more 99.9% Investment Gold in the form of autherium metatokens by using the investors market  found on the autherium platform


You can sell your 99.9% Investment Gold in the form of autherium metatokens by placing them on the investors market found on the autherium platform

Welcome to the gold

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